Core Privacy Notice

This is U-Maths’ core privacy notice. It explains U-Maths’ approach to collecting and using personal information (any information which relates to or identifies an individual) about people we interact with.

It also supplements more specific information you may have been given (a privacy notice or statement) when engaging with a service, facility, event or initiative run by U-Maths. For example, you may have followed a link here because you signed up to attend an event organised for our University Maths School partners.


About U-Maths

The University Maths Schools Network (U-Maths) is a Charity registered in England and Wales (number 1207125) that exists to advance the education of children, young people, and young adults by mathematically oriented study, supported by University Maths Schools, and with an emphasis on high attainment and widening participation in the mathematical sciences and mathematically rich subjects.


U-Maths as data controller

U-Maths is the data controller for the personal data that we process in relation to you.

Occasionally, U-Maths may be a joint data controller with other organisations, or we may be processing data about you on behalf of another organisation, but when this is the case, we will make you aware of this when the information is collected.

U-Maths is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever we process such information, we will use and store information in line with both the U-Maths Data Protection and Retention Policy, this privacy notice and all laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protections Regulation (UK GDPR).


Personal data we collect and process:

The way we manage the information we might collect about you depends on the capacity in which you contact us, whether you’re a stakeholder, partner or professional, a member of the public, someone who may benefit from our services or a donor. The types of personal information we hold on you might include:

  • Your full name and title
  • Your email address (this may be your personal or organisation email)
  • Your address (if relevant)
  • Your telephone number (if relevant – this may be your personal or organisation telephone number)
  • Your job title (if relevant)
  • The name and address of the organisation you work for or are associated with (if relevant)
  • Information about your family and other life circumstances (if you choose to provide it and if relevant)
  • If you work for an organisation, sometimes we also store brief notes about where you may have worked before, any specific preferences you have told us about and your main areas of expertise (e.g. research and policy)
  • Information about your affinity to U-Maths and likelihood of supporting us
  • Records of donations to U-Maths and Gift Aid Status (as required by HRMC)
  • Records of your volunteering with or on behalf of U-Maths
  • Details of U-Maths events you have attended (if relevant)
  • Other information that you may provide in surveys and interviews with individuals and organisations from the sector
  • Website traffic: we also store some information to enable us to see how popular pages on our website. This typically involves assessing aggregate level information, such as IP addresses. Analysing this information allows us to tailor our services to meet your needs
  • Device information: we may collect information about the device you are using to access our services on, including what type of device it is, what operating system you are using, device settings, application IDs, unique device identifiers, and crash data. Whether we collect some or, all of this information often depends on what type of device you are using and its settings. Collecting this information enables us to optimise our website for the device you are using


How we use your personal information:

We will generally use your personal information to provide you with the services, products or information you have requested from us. We may need to share your information with our service providers for these purposes, but we will ensure that appropriate contracts with these parties are in place and they only process your information in accordance with our instructions and data protection legislation.

If we need to transfer any information to a country not recognised as providing equivalent protection, we will use additional safeguards approved by UK or EU regulators.

For more detailed information about our main processing activities, please see the following notices:

For Employees of U-Maths

For Students on Programmes at University Maths Schools


How long we keep your personal data:

We retain your personal data in a live environment for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose(s) for which it was collected (including as required by applicable law or regulation) and in line with our Data Protection and Retention Policy.

Where there is a need, personal data is securely archived with restricted access and other appropriate safeguards. We are required to keep details of financial transactions, including donations, for seven years to meet accountancy and HMRC requirements.

We will anonymise or delete personal data if, after a period of seven years, we have not had any contact or communication from you (this will be measured on a rolling seven-year period) – subject to any special circumstances concerning legacies.

We review the personal information (and the categories of personal information) we are holding on a regular basis to ensure the information we are holding is still relevant to our organisation and is accurate.

If we discover that certain information we are holding is no longer necessary or accurate, we will take reasonable steps to correct or delete this information as may be required. You always have the right to request that personal information we hold about you is amended or deleted, please refer to the Your Rights section.


How do we protect the security of your personal data?

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are carried out in order to safeguard the information we collect from you and protect against unlawful access and accidental loss or damage.

We will ensure that our employees are aware of their privacy and information security obligations. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the employees of third parties working on our behalf are aware of their privacy and information security obligations.

This notice and our procedures for handling personal information will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, because the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to the website or via email; any transmission is at your own risk.

Once we have received your information, we will use our strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.


How we use cookies:

Our website uses cookies to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website. Cookies also help us to improve our website.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is stored on your browser or device. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to identify you. You can find more information at and if you are located in Europe or if in the United States.

We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website.
  • Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

You can restrict or block cookies using your browser settings. For instructions on how to control or disable cookies, please visit


Your rights:

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

Your right of access – You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information and other supplementary information.

Your right to rectification – You have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

Your right to erasure – You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to restriction of processing – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to object to processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to data portability – You have the right to ask that we transfer, move or copy the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

Your right to withdraw consent – You have the right to withdraw consent for data processing, where consent has been given.


If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

If you have queries about how your rights are upheld, please contact:

The Project and Operations Manager


C/o Exeter Maths School

Castle Street

Exeter EX4 4PU

Contact Form


How to complain:

If you wish to make a complaint about how your data is being or has been processed, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

The Data and Protection Officer


C/o Exeter Maths School

Castle Street

Exeter EX4 4PU

Contact Form


You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about the way in which we process your personal data. You can make a complaint using the ICO’s website.


 Changes to this Privacy Notice:

 We keep our privacy notice under regular review, and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy notice was last updated on 05 July 2024. 

See our Maths Schools

The University Maths School Idea